Reinvest your unwanted office furnishings back into your local community by hiring us.

The Sustainable Network makes a difference.
OUR MISSION: The Furniture Trust is driven to make a positive, community impact with used office furnishings, while providing the most economical and environmentally responsible solutions to local businesses. We provide companies of all sizes with a proven process for decommissioning that maximizes the value of unwanted furniture assets. Leveraging the Sustainable Network, The Furniture Trust connects donated, office furnishings with local schools and nonprofits.
So, how does it all work? It's simple:

The Sustainable Network
connects your used office furnishings with local schools, nonprofits
and community organizations.
Give by hiring The Furniture Trust to manage your next furniture removal and we guarantee your old furniture will positively impact your local community, while saving you money.

Furniture and financial support directed back into your community while saving you money. Green is good!